Unlock my exact blueprint to creating a simple low-ticket digital course that makes me $1,000-$3,000 per day

BITE-SIZED LESSONS: That guide you through naming, pricing, outlining, and hosting your course—efficiently and affordably

STEP-BY-STEP TUTORIALS TO PRE-SELL YOUR ONLINE COURSE: Discover the exact 3-step process that helped me earn over $5K without an audience or prior sales experience

CHATGPT PROMPTS TO CHOOSE YOUR TOPIC & PACKAGE IT TO SELL: No more taking months to achieve the learning curve of marketing or sales. I'll show you exactly how to get ChatGPT to tell you what the market wants to buy right now

HOW TO OUTLINE YOUR COURSE: In a way that makes your students binge it right away and instantly want to keep paying you

HOW TO DESIGN YOUR COURSE: To get your student’s results FAST and makes them tell all of their friends

STUPID SIMPLE TECH: How to keep the tech stupid simple to set up so you don’t need a tech team to build it for you(Plus a 100% FREE tech strategy you can use if you're just getting started)

FIND YOUR BUYERS: How to create a line of buyers for your course even if you have a small audience

BONUS - PASSIVE INCOME PATHWAY: Behind the scenes of exactly how I'm selling 20-40 digital products per day as a Mom of 5

I used my exact course formula to generate $30,778 on a $33 course in just 30 days (without doing any market research!) 

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  • Total payment
  • 1xThe Digital Course Course$997

All prices in USD


BITE-SIZED LESSONS: That guide you through naming, pricing, outlining, and hosting your course—efficiently and affordably

STEP-BY-STEP TUTORIALS TO PRE-SELL YOUR ONLINE COURSE: Discover the exact 3-step process that helped me earn over $5K without an audience or prior sales experience

CHATGPT PROMPTS TO CHOOSE YOUR TOPIC & PACKAGE IT TO SELL: No more taking months to achieve the learning curve of marketing or sales. I'll show you exactly how to get ChatGPT to tell you what the market wants to buy right now

HOW TO OUTLINE YOUR COURSE: In a way that makes your students binge it right away and instantly want to keep paying you

HOW TO DESIGN YOUR COURSE: To get your student’s results FAST and makes them tell all of their friends

STUPID SIMPLE TECH: How to keep the tech stupid simple to set up so you don’t need a tech team to build it for you (Plus a 100% FREE tech strategy you can use if you're just getting started)

FIND YOUR BUYERS: How to create a line of buyers for your course even if you have a small audience

BONUS - PASSIVE INCOME PATHWAY: Behind the scenes of exactly how I'm selling 20-40 digital products per day as a Mom of 5
